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His Excellency Shavkat Mirziyoyev: Conqueror of Hearts

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Uzbekistan President Shavkat Mirziyoyev began his career in 1981 at the Tashkent Institute of Engineers of Irrigation and Mechanization of Agriculture, where he held positions as a junior research fellow and senior lecturer / vice-rector for academic affairs. He was elected to serve as a Supreme Council of the Republic deputy in 1990. He served as the committee’s chairman. Shavkat Mirziyoyev was appointed to lead the Mirzo Ulugbek District in Tashkent as the khokim (governor) in 1992. He served in the positions of khokim of the Samarkand Region from 2001 to 2003 and of the Jizzakh Region from 1996 to 2001. Then H. E. Shavkat Mirziyoyev was appointed Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2003 and subsequently re-approved three times (in 2005, 2010, and 2015) in his post by both Chambers of the Oliy Majlis.

His Excellency Shavkat Mirziyoyev demonstrates remarkable leadership and outstanding skills as the head of state in the implementation of extensive socio-economic reforms, modernization, and development of the nation.

Socio-Economic Transformations:

It is known as the “New Uzbekistan” concept and continues to grow under the leadership of President Shavkat. Because of the tremendous efforts of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the country has seen an impressive improvement in its potential standing throughout in last few years.

People of all religions and ethnic background live together in Uzbekistan today as part of a society that values friendship, solidarity, and respect for one another. His government has undertaken various economic and political reforms aimed at an economy with free market relations, promoting foreign investment, a peaceful and prosperous life, diversifying the economy, and widening Uzbekistan’s engagement at the international level. The New Uzbekistan reforms are remarkable and beneficial for the people of Uzbekistan.

Through the New Uzbekistan policies of attracting foreign investment, President Shavkat has revitalized the economy of Uzbekistan. The visionary leadership of Uzbekistan is committed to upholding the constitutional rules governing information distribution and regional integration in order to improve transparency, governance, and clarity. In order to enable entrepreneurs to engage in any legitimate business activities and guarantee the free flow of products, services, labor, and capital, the state is fully providing a conducive environment for investment and business.

His administration implemented a series of progressive policies that prioritize the business climate, encourage foreign investment, and diversify the economy. Uzbekistan government is playing a full-fledged and proactive part in the economy’s uplifting, managing, and stimulating regional peace and stability. Inflation has been reduced to 10 percent by the end of 2021. Measures such as pension increases, budget allocation, and social register systems have been implemented. The government fully ensured the development of the education and health sector.

Uzbekistan has made every effort to intensify cooperation with international financial institutions such as the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Asian Bank for Infrastructure Investments, and the European Investment Bank in order to broaden investment in the fields of energy, transportation, agriculture, housing construction, small business development, and private entrepreneurship. Uzbekistan held a referendum on adopting the revised Constitution by nationwide voting on April 30, 2023.

The new Constitution ensures the rule of law, peace, justice, and reforms in the judicial system. It is important to note that constitutional changes not only advance Uzbekistan but also uphold bringing peace to the entire area in an effort to improve relations with the bordering countries. The referendum was carried out in a competent manner and in compliance with international standards.

Pro Active Foreign Policy:

Uzbekistan has pursued as part of its open, pragmatic, and balanced foreign policy based on national interests. Uzbekistan’s development of equal and mutually beneficial relations with other countries is based on the universally recognized international norms and principles of respect for territorial integrity, sovereignty, non-interference in domestic affairs, the amicable resolution of disputes, and non-use of force or threat of use of force.

The region’s macro-level dynamics and micro-level integration are both given extra momentum by Uzbekistan’s foreign policy. Uzbekistan is strengthening collaboration and partnership with all partners for peace, progress, and prosperity and is open to dialogue.

Regional Connectivity:

President Shavkat has transformed Uzbekistan into an important regional player through his more proactive involvement in pursuing regional cooperation and organizing international peace efforts. The President has championed infrastructure projects that improve cross-border connectivity, such as road and rail networks, ports, and energy corridors. President has strengthened regional ties and unlocked new growth opportunities by facilitating efficient trade routes.

Furthermore, with the goal of resolving the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan and promoting wider regional collaboration, the country has also successfully hosted a number of international conferences and summits in recent years. The concept of Central-South Asian cooperation was given by the president to create a more interconnected and prosperous region. Uzbekistan aims to encourage change by supporting regional trade ties and neighboring nations’ transportation, socioeconomic, communication, and energy projects,


President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has made significant achievements in implementing socioeconomic and political reforms throughout his tenure. This dedication and commitment have brought about positive changes that have benefited Uzbekistan. President’s efforts in socioeconomic and political reforms have been instrumental in promoting sustainable development, social cohesion, and stability. The president has laid a foundation for a brighter future for Uzbekistan. The people of Central- South Asia genuinely feel his excellency Shavkat Mirziyoyev should get a noble prize for his efforts to conquer hearts and minds of complete region through his quest of reaching out to every regional country for developing a broader connectivity network.

Written by:
Mr. Khalid Taimur Akram, Executive Director,
Pakistan Research Center for a Community with
Shared Future (PRCCSF), Islamabad

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